Artis Masak Sambil Bugil Di Depan Kamera/While Cook Artis Nude In Front Of Camera
Banyak cara untuk menggaet penonton demi mengejar rating selangit. Di Hong Kong, misalnya, salah satu stasiun televisi malah membuat tontonan nyeleneh yang bikin pria tetap melek. Nama acaranya, Icefire Kitchen. Menghadirkan model dan aktris hot asal Hong Kong, Flora Cheung, sebagai juru masaknya
While Cook Artis Nude In Front Of Camera
Many ways to hook the audience in pursuit of ratings exorbitant. In Hong Kong, for instance, one television station even make a spectacle nyeleneh that makes men remain literate. The name of the show, Icefire Kitchen. Delivers hot model and actress from Hong Kong, Flora Cheung, as the chef